Senate Energy Leaders Announce Bipartisan Permitting Reform Agreement
Lulu Geller Patrick Firth Lulu Geller Patrick Firth

Senate Energy Leaders Announce Bipartisan Permitting Reform Agreement

After over two years of negotiations, Senators Manchin (I-WV) and Barrasso (R-WY) have announced a bipartisan permitting reform agreement. The 'Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024' addresses interstate transmission line expansion and overhauls the regulatory and judicial environments that have become obstacles to traditional energy infrastructure projects.

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Congress Tackles Permitting Reform
Emily Green-Conrad Lulu Geller Emily Green-Conrad Lulu Geller

Congress Tackles Permitting Reform

The last week of July saw new activity in the U.S. Senate on the issue of additional permitting reform for pipelines and electric transmission. Chairman Joe Manchin (D-WV) held a hearing and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) chided the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for not utilizing their existing authority to expedite new electric transmission. Here is an overview of where permitting reform stands as August recess comes to an end.

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SCOTUS Summer Recap
Emily Green-Conrad Emily Green Emily Green-Conrad Emily Green

SCOTUS Summer Recap

With Congress back in their respective states and districts during the August recess, we would like to step back and reflect on this Summer's U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) cases that took a backseat in the news cycle while major pieces of legislation were being considered and voted on.

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