
Constitution Partners boasts a client portfolio of strong leaders in the energy sector. Constitution Partners is proud to be one of the most effective and experienced firms in representing the interests of power, electricity, traditional and emerging energy, and more.

Experience matters. That is why we have served as trusted advisors to industry leaders for years. Whether you are exploring citing, permitting, or funding of a new project, require counsel on a regulatory matter, seeking tariff or tax relief, need crisis management or best practices guidance, or are simply aiming to build your brand before policymakers and stakeholders as leaders in your sector, the Constitution Partners team can develop and deploy the strategic advocacy and engagement plan to see your specific business interests succeed.

Key Successes for Clients

  • Secured numerous clean energy provisions, including extending the section 45Q carbon oxide sequestration tax credit, the alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit, and the alternative fuels tax credit.

  • Secured $3 billion for the Energy Department to cover the costs of direct loans to nonfederal borrowers for the construction or modification of electric transmission facilities of national interest.

  • Secured a Section 232 tariff exclusion for a midstream pipeline company that resulted in an over $40 million refund from the Commerce Department.