Congress Tackles Permitting Reform
Lulu Geller Lulu Geller Lulu Geller Lulu Geller

Congress Tackles Permitting Reform

The last week of July saw new activity in the U.S. Senate on the issue of additional permitting reform for pipelines and electric transmission. Chairman Joe Manchin (D-WV) held a hearing and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) chided the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for not utilizing their existing authority to expedite new electric transmission. Here is an overview of where permitting reform stands as August recess comes to an end.

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Insight into the Appropriations Process
Constitution Partners Constitution Partners

Insight into the Appropriations Process

With Congress out for August Recess, we wanted to provide an overview of the appropriations process that has been underway this past Summer and will pick up again in September. Until the chambers reconvene, here is some background information on the daunting appropriations process that takes place each fiscal year.

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SCOTUS Summer Recap
Constitution Partners Constitution Partners

SCOTUS Summer Recap

With Congress back in their respective states and districts during the August recess, we would like to step back and reflect on this Summer's U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) cases that took a backseat in the news cycle while major pieces of legislation were being considered and voted on.

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Legislative Sprint to August Recess
Constitution Partners Constitution Partners

Legislative Sprint to August Recess

Lawmakers return to Washington this past week, kicking off a three-week legislative sprint before they return to their states and districts for the August recess.

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UPS Workers Vote to Strike - What that Means to Americans
Lulu Geller Lulu Geller Lulu Geller Lulu Geller

UPS Workers Vote to Strike - What that Means to Americans

UPS and the Teamsters Union walked away from the negotiating table this week inching closer to a possible strike. The last time UPS Teamsters went on strike was in 1997 and that 15-day strike was devastating for the company and created significant disruptions across the country. A strike now at UPS is even more of a threat to American supply chains and our economy.

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Energy Independence in 2023
Patrick Firth Constitution Partners Patrick Firth Constitution Partners

Energy Independence in 2023

As we celebrate American independence and the great freedoms that come with it, it is also a time to recognize America’s greater energy independence in 2023. Why do we say that since we clearly still import energy? And what does it mean to be energy independent anyway? What is the importance? The Constitution Partners team answered all these questions and more in the sections to follow.

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Advances in Artificial Intelligence Has Washington Worried
Constitution Partners Constitution Partners

Advances in Artificial Intelligence Has Washington Worried

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) laid out a long-awaited framework on Wednesday to regulate artificial intelligence, hoping to create a path for lawmakers to adopt guardrails many industry insiders say are needed on a technology many members of Congress admit they do not understand.

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Biden’s Regulatory Efforts Heat Up
Constitution Partners Constitution Partners

Biden’s Regulatory Efforts Heat Up

On Tuesday, June 13, President Joe Biden released his Spring regulatory agenda, outlining plans to address climate change, health policies, and more.

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Smoke Signals & Taxing Events
Lulu Geller Patrick Firth Lulu Geller Patrick Firth

Smoke Signals & Taxing Events

It was a busy week in the nation’s capital. The Constitution Partners team reviewed the major events driving American public policy and business interests, and have provided a summarized overview for your review.

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Congress Finally Passes Debt Ceiling Compromise - What's Next?
Lulu Geller, Denise Bode Denise Bode Lulu Geller, Denise Bode Denise Bode

Congress Finally Passes Debt Ceiling Compromise - What's Next?

Late last week, the Senate passed legislation to suspend the debt ceiling and restrict government spending through the 2024 election, ending a drama that threatened a global financial crisis. The measure was signed Saturday by President Joe Biden, who forged the deal with Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and plans to sign it just days before a looming U.S. default.

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Deep Dive: Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023
Patrick Firth, Lulu Geller Patrick Firth Patrick Firth, Lulu Geller Patrick Firth

Deep Dive: Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023

Chief negotiators worked over the weekend to put together a debt ceiling agreement to take to Congress for consideration by legislators. While a deal was announced around 9pm EST Saturday evening, the legislative text of the Fiscal Responsibility Act was only published on Sunday evening. Constitution Partners reviewed the legislative proposal and has the following analysis.

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