Energy Department Launches New Clean Fuels & Products Effort

Written by Lulu Geller, in collaboration with Patrick Firth

On May 24, the Department of Energy (DOE) announced the launch of a new federal initiative to find low-carbon alternatives to petroleum-based transportation fuels and chemical feedstocks for plastics. DOE aims to develop fuels with greenhouse gas emissions that are 85% lower than fossil-based sources by 2035. Secretary Jennifer Granholm at the DOE Idaho National Laboratory said in a statement, "DOE is invested in decarbonizing the transportation and chemical industries by accelerating technologies necessary to reduce emissions from the manufacturing of fuels and chemicals."

The new program, called the Clean Fuels and Products Shot, aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 650 million metric tons of CO2 per year by 2050. This plan is modeled after the Department's SunShot initiative in 2011, which aimed to reduce the total cost of solar power by 75% by 2020. To achieve the DOE's goal, the department plans to develop alternative fuel sources, such as forest trimmings and municipal solid waste. 

In its initial announcement, DOE identified five critical research areas to decarbonize the fuels and chemicals industries:

  • Mobilize Biomass and Waste Feedstock

  • Efficiently Capture and Convert CO2

  • Develop Carbon-Efficient Conversion Processes

  • Demonstrate Integrated Processes

  • Understand Sustainability Implications

The Clean Fuels and Products Shot aligns with the Biden administration's goal of getting the U.S. to net zero emissions no later than mid-century. Transportation accounts for most of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and aviation, rail, and shipping are among the most stubborn sources of those emissions owing to a lack of readily viable alternatives. With 79% of total U.S. energy production still coming from fossil fuel sources as of 2021, achieving this goal will require billions of dollars in investments.

More information on this new program will undoubtedly follow soon, but don’t hesitate reach out to the Constitution Partners team to learn additional specifics.

This initiative is supported by several DOE offices, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Bioenergy Technologies OfficeIndustrial Efficiency and Decarbonization OfficeAdvanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies OfficeHydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies Office; the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon ManagementOffice of Science’s Biological and Environmental ResearchBasic Energy SciencesOffice of Clean Energy Demonstrations; and Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy.  


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